Friday 2 October 2015

spiders spirders and more spider's

ahh for a woman that cant stand spiders I am petrified just to look at then let alone see them move so tonight i was at my aunt mia and I saw a spider In the bedroom I was staying in and I shouted my aunt no reply so it was time for sos what's app no reply till she finally shouted in coming up by the time she reached top of stairs I legged it out of the bed I was ment to be sleeping in and I mean MENT TO BE SLEEPING in on to the landing where I realised I only had a pj top and knickers on my aunt had her trainer at the ready as this huge spider ran across the window ledge my aunt and me got evicted from both the room I was staying in and hers because of the spider with a big chip on its shoulder with a huge ego urrrggghhhh so I am writing this knackered as anything watching out for egotistic spiders ⚠

I shall give you readers a full update soon one I've had sleep if I have had sleep 💤

Kate xx